Vehicle *(Success)
Vehicles do not work through the dealerships right now.
If the bank initially accepts the instrument, they will reverse in 30 days, best bet is to send an instrument to Treasury "made out to them" and “credit your SS#” in the memo, they will send you the money if no tax forms need to be processed,
we are also doing it as a Brokerage, I have sent off 6 vehicles and 2 houses, I believe from talking with IRS that this will work
The IRS was Shut Down for 30+ days all info is still pending but people are starting to receive money again
This is NOT a CHECK this DOES NOT PAY out of Your Trust Account.
This is a Negotiable instrument and a lawful form of currency
I would Finance the Vehicle and then pay of the loan with the instrument. This does not always work but we have had success with Major Finacial institutions.
Loan Payoff (if you have had success, please send me the info and proofs to share)
Ford Credit (alleged Success)
Hyundai (alleged Success)
WellsFargo (alleged Success)
TD Auto Finance ( 100% Success I have seen the letter and title)
Navy Army Federal (Dishonor and Repossession)
My Vehicle Experience (still working on it)
Get a Purchase Price
Drive out Price
Price with Tax Title and License
1 payment Price
Ask any Questions you have about vehicle
eg. any damage to the body, wheel damage, anything past issues with vehicle.
Tell them you accept their Offer
Send me the Contract, I will sign and send back with Payment
They will probably ask for a down payment {($500-$2500) tell them to not include the down payment in the purchase but to refund when completed}
They will also ask for insurance and your License
Send copies so they can complete paperwork
They might tell you they only accept “Wire Transfers” or “Money Orders”
Explain this is NOT how you do business; you will send payment with the signed contract and they can hold the/your vehicle until funds clear
(Mine cleared in 1 day)
Receive the “FedEx” from dealership
Sign Paperwork
Put Paperwork and Instrument into provided “FedEx” envelope and send Back
Arrange to pick up Vehicle or have Delivered
Delivery cost range from ($250-$1000) based on distance and type of transport
I was sent the Title to my Vehicle Above, after 20 days, 45 days after my purchase the Dealerships Bank Reversed the credits from My Instrument. The Banks are the ones that give us the most issues, the bank Stole from the Dealership, the Dealership sent a company to "Repossess/Steal" my vehicle. The Police were involved and even though I held Title the Police allowed someone making a claim with no evidence/proof of ownership to take my vehicle. I will share below what I am doing to attempt to reclaim my vehicle, 1st it is important not to become angry, we must forgive those who trespass against us, they are unaware of what they are doing.
I attempted the 3949-a Process (below) no Success Yet.
My Next Steps are to:
File a Claim on the Mayor & Police Cheif's Bond
File a Claim on my Full coverage auto Policy
File with US Federal Court of Claims
I will do the Claim on bond 1st because I hold them liable.
I will update with results.
3949-a Process Example

No Vehicle (Arrested for Theft & Forgery)
One of my Friends went into dealership to buy a vehicle with his wife, they brought back a purchase order I helped them produce an instrument to pay for the vehicle, ( we printed he signed and put the instrument into an envelope).
They went back and signed paperwork; the instrument was given to satisfy the claim. He said the managers kept passing the instrument around trying to figure out what to do, after 20-30 minutes they told him they deposited his payment, and it would be another 30 minutes and they will be all done.
The Car Dealership acting in bad faith called the police, the police showed up in about 20 minutes detained them both. The Police Kept asking about the “check” where did it come from, how does it pay. The police then ran the Negotiable instrument through their “check systems” and it showed up as “Not Valid”, he unfortunately did not explain that this is a negotiable instrument and NOT a CHECK, but instead explained the “check would process through his Social Security Account” (a misunderstanding/ miscommunication probably do to being under duress). (do they even have a system to scan a Negotiable Instruments?)
Both He and he and wife were arrested for Forgery of a Govt. Security and Theft of Property.
Be very careful what you say, this is not a check and when scanned into their system it will NEVER show up as a check, it is an instrument Once again this is Lawful United states Currency, A payment was tendered in good faith, as full satisfaction with intent of extinguishing any debt. It is their duty to honor this instrument, to know, abide by, and operate under the law, 18 USC 8 applies.