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Crimes are Commercial


There is help, however it will not come from an “attorney at law” for they are the problem, not the solution!

De Riemer Strategy Overview

Strategy 1.png

You must-"Activate your "Non-Consent". 

A matter must be expressed to be resolved. See Heb. 4:16; Phil. 4:5; Eph. 6:19-21. Legal maxim: “He who fails to assert his rights has none.”

Third Party Affidavit of Mailing        Sent Certified Mail # _______________________

These enclosed documents were inadvertently received and opened by mistake.  These enclosed document(s) which appear to be ______________________________________
are not understandable, acknowledgeable or recognizable under the penalty of False Personation and must be returned. 

The enclosure herein contains the aforementioned and misdirected documents as there is not enough knowledge or information disclosed to form a responsive answer and said documents are being returned forthwith.


Before Court – Say
“You have failed to provide me enough information or knowledge to form a responsive answer” (or to enter a plea).

 Say NOTHING else!

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When IN Court – Say

1.    “All rights reserved”
2.    “I do NOT consent to these proceedings”
3.    “I do NOT accept this offer”
4.    “I DO not, DID not, and WILL not “intend” to accept or consent”.
5.    “I do NOT recognize you”
6.    “I demand prosecution’s Commercial Indemnity Bond be produced On the Record in the Evidence File”

           Say NOTHING else!

"Do NOT Accept", thus = No Contract/Agreement exists.
"No Contract = No Authority/jurisdiction" (Maxim of Law).


According to the late Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, 100% of the people that are in Federal or State Penitentiaries are there VOLUNTARILY!!!!! 

•    An “attorney at law” is an arm of the state and their FIRST duty is to the court, then the government… NOT to you! Furthermore, whenever any “duty” to you interferes with their first duty, YOU are the one that is to take “back seat.”
•    Think you have “attorney/client privilege” where what you say to an “attorney at law” remains private? Ever hear of “discovery?” This is where “your attorney” is ordered to turn over your information to THE STATE that is attempting to incarcerate you.
•    1 in 32 Americans is either in prison or on parole or probation.
•    Over 40% of people admitted into prisons in America are “convicted” under the
“Political Code” and therefore, by definition, Political Prisoners. Furthermore, since Political Prisoners end up with mandatory longer sentences, the cumulative effect is that they end up being the majority of the population.
•    America’s incarceration rate is now 743 per 100k, the highest in the world.
•    America locks up more people for “Drug Crimes” than all of Europe locks up for all crimes combined.
•    If you go to “trial” in Federal Court, there is a 96% chance of being “convicted.” Do you really believe that only 4% are innocent?
•    It is the “government’s” position that if you do not know your Rights, then you don’t have any!
•    According to 27 CFR 72.11, burglary; counterfeiting; forgery; kidnapping; larceny; robbery; illegal sale or possession of weapons; prostitution; extortion; swindling; and many other things, like simple addiction to drugs or marijuana use, are considered and defined as “Commercial Crimes” where you are converted to an object for “commercial use” and Due Process of Law becomes a farce!


De Riemer Strategy



1. definition- "Acceptance" = "Intent to Retain" (per CJS).


2. definition-"Appearance" = "If One does ANYTHING 'Beneficial' or  'Detrimental', One 'HAS MADE APPEARANCE' as a Party" (per CJS).   If it isn't "Neutral", you HAVE "MADE APPEARANCE".


3. definition- "Contract" = Offer, Acceptance (of Offer), consideration. The contract arises by the 'Acceptance' (by Law), and Offeror can NO LONGER withdraw the Offer. Both Parties are BOUND & HELD to Specific Performance (by the Acceptance).


"Do NOT Accept", thus = No Contract/Agreement exists.


"No Contract = No Authority/jurisdiction" (Maxim of Law).


4. definition- "Controversy" = Contract Dispute or Disagreement.- Requires the Existence of a Contract. (See Const. ART III, sect.2)


5. definition- "Due Process" = "WRITTEN NOTICE", "proper Service of Process", 'Informed Consent' (Contract). 


No Contract = No Case/Controversy = No jurisdiction

(ART 3 Const.) Government "derives its just powers from the consent of the governed.",(Declaration of Independence 1776 para. 2).


You must-"Activate your "Non-Consent"



De Riemer Strategy
Frequently Asked Questions

1. Upon What, is this process based?

Answer: definition of "contract" = Offer, Acceptance, & Consideration-of-Value.  

More particularly - "Offer, Acceptance (of that Offer) at which time a Contract arises at Law (by the "Acceptance"), and the "Offeror" can NO LONGER withdraw the Offer, & Both Parties are IMMEDIATELY BOUND and HELD to Specific Performance of the Newly arisen "Contract". (By the "Acceptance").


We teach, - to Avoid the "Acceptance" Trap!

THEREFORE, No Contract exists.    "No contract = No Authority"


2. What is the (legal) definition of "Acceptance"?

Answer: definition of "acceptance" = is "Intent to Retain".

(C.J.S./'Corpus Juris Secundum') Law Encyclopedia (Secundum = Second Edition, in Latin).


3. What is the (legal) definition of 'Appearance'?

Answer: definition of "appearance" = "If One does ANYTHING "Beneficial" 

to One Party or "Detrimental" to another Party, they "Traverse" and have MADE APPEARANCE in the Case, as a Party to the Case', - (CJS).  If it isn't "Neutral" you HAVE MADE APPEARANCE.  And "You" created a "controversy"  "FOR" the Enemy.  (and Fell for the "Appearance Trap").


TRAVERSE Definition & Legal Meaning

In the language of pleading, a traverse signifies a denial. Thus, where a defendant denies any material allegation of fact in the plaintiff’s declaration, he is said to traverse it. and the plea itself is thence frequently termed a “traverse.” 


4. How does the IRS coerce us (Trick us) into being "Subjected" to their Private CORPORATION Rules & Regulations and (legal-contract) EXTORTION?

Answer: "Income Tax", (IRS) is collected by "Voluntary Compliance", (Basic "contract" Law.)  Once One volunteers into a Regulated Enterprise, - One must comply with the regulations of that Enterprise. (Basic "Contract"-Law).


By implementing "Strategy #1",

One "UN-Volunteers" ("Discontinues"-Volunteering), and TERMINATES the (presumption of) contract. The "Procedure/Strategy" must be repeated EACH and EVERY time (an Offer is Presented), ALWAYS, and FOREVER. (otherwise, a NEW "contract" arises = to "Re-Contract", and the "Acceptance Trap",… "then they Gotcha").


5. Who actually "is" (Lawfully) Required to File with IRS?

If you enjoy a 'Government Job' (a 'Privilege', NOT a 'Right'), or some other government-granted Benefit, Privilege, License, Title-of-Nobility, (i.e.; Voter of, Taxpayer of, a citizen of, resident of, member of, resident-Agent of, etc.), or Opportunity Offered from government, WE can "NOT" Help you, - as One "DOES" OWE the (Excise) 'Tax', "in RETURN" for enjoying that Privilege or Benefit being Enjoyed. (See "INTERNATIONAL SHOE Co. vs. STATE OF WASHINGTON").


6. How do Courts get jurisdiction over us?

In order to have jurisdiction (to adjudicate) a Case (controversy) or controversy, it requires a Contract, over-which there exists a dispute or disagreement. 

When "No Acceptance" = No Contract" (or No controversy over one) exists = "No Controversy" = "NO jurisdiction" = NO Case/Action Can be Docketed, (commenced)(See Const. ARTICLE III, Section 2)


Commencement of action is the initiation of a legal proceeding; the time at which the judicial or administrative process begins. Typically, this process is initiated with the filing of a formal complaint.


7. Is what they are doing "Constitutional"?

Even the Declaration of Independence says,- "government derives "their 'just powers' from the 'Consent' of the governed". - So We teach "DON'T CONSENT!”

(see Declaration of Independence paragraph 2).


8. What is the PURPOSE of "Strategy #1"?

Answer: "Due Process" Requires (All 3), they:

1. Must serve "WRITTEN NOTICE" upon you,

2. Must Serve "Proper SERVICE of PROCESS" upon you,

3. Must obtain "Acceptance", for "Contract" (jurisdiction) to attach.


The "Purpose" is to DEPRIVE them of all 3 of those.


9. Why must a "courtesy copy" be sent to the court clerk?

Answer: The purpose of the Escape (3 strategies) is to Deprive (the ENEMY) of all three "Due Process" Requirements, without which, they can NOT PROCEED. (can NOT "Docket" a Case against you).  
The Court Clerk
does NOT KNOW that you have successfully Escaped their deception, coercion, and trickery, and the Clerk will Continue-on under "Presumption" until they Receive (Neutral) NOTICE from (anonymous you), (that they have been Deprived of "Acceptance" of the Offer, and subsequently they (per "Due Process" Requirements) Can NOT Proceed).  The clerk won't KNOW until they receive (Neutral/Anonymous) NOTICE copies of Evidence/Proof (Neutral from you). (One can 'Omit' this step with IRS - No clerk involved).


10. What are the 3 Preliminary Elements of Primary Jurisdiction necessary for 'Contract-Enforcement'?

1. Person, 
2. Place (Venue)/location/geography, and 
3. Thing ("subject matter"/contract of Insurance).  
"Social Security" is FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act, "F.I.C.A.").


FIRST ELEMENT: Person. Today, NO ONE is in Jail, having been accused of violating a "Law". EVERYONE in Jail is there having been accused of violating a Contract-Penalty-Clause CODE Title number, or Contract-Penalty-Clause CODE Section number,  NOT any 'LAW'. 
So, activate "Strategy #1" and avoid the "Acceptance Trap", so that there "Is No" Contract, thus NO Contract-Penalty-Clause CODE Title or Section numbers can attach (to you) = No "In Personam" (personal) jurisdiction CAN exist.

"people",  (All lower-case letter name, No number, GOD-created), - are NOT "PERSONS" (Legislature/Congress-created ALL CAPITAL LETTER NAME with Govt. I.D. Numbers). people are "Actual", - as opposed to - PERSONs are "Virtual" (FICTION).


SECOND ELEMENT; place (Venue);
Living, actual natural private male and female "people" do NOT live "in" the four (4) FICTION Corporation-Government "THIS  STATE" Zones.


Which are:

1. government FICTION ("THIS STATE") Zone D.C. (Guam, Puerto Rico, Marianas Islands, American Samoa, Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-yards, Territories, Possessions and Zones).
3. Government "THIS STATE", FICTION 2 CAPITAL LETTER Abbreviations (Zones) such as CA.
4. Government "THIS STATE" FICTION 5 or more number Z.I.P. code ("Zone Improvement Program") numbered FICTION Zone.



Strat 1 header.png

To avoid “Service of Process”, “Notice”, and “Acceptance”

De Riemer Strategy 1 CERTIFIED MAIL TEMPLATE.png



Regardless of how served, delivered, mailed, or left at home or office, etc:
IMMEDIATELY place all papers/ documents and envelope to be returned into a NEW envelope. 
IMMEDIATELY address the NEW envelope with the document sender's address, also use this address as the “return address”
DO NOT use YOUR name or address on this NEW envelope.
DO NOT use any headings, date, or signature on your “neutral response”

The object here is to immediately return the unwanted presentment or “offer” in pristine condition, in the most NEUTRAL and non-committal manner possible, CERTIFIED MAIL.

DO NOT rebut the issue or address anything in their documents. (To do so is, to do “something that is beneficial to one party or detrimental to another party”). In other words, you are making “an appearance”. You simply return the unwanted presentments. 
This is simply a misdirected posting being “returned to sender”, CERTIFIED MAIL as proof that you did not retain or “accept by retaining”. Be sure to add the statement “3rd Party Affidavit of Mailing” on both the “neutral response” wording and on the NEW envelope. IMMEDIATELY send “courtesy copy”, neutral and anonymous, to the Court Clerk, CERTIFIED MAIL, (with a copy of FIRST Certified mail stub/receipt (as proof where sent, (so the court will be aware that they DO NOT have the proper “service of process”).

MAIL IT, DO NOT go in person!  

Result: No agreement or contract for you to “appear”.


The following is the “Neutral Response” wording:


Third Party Affidavit of Mailing     Sent Certified Mail # _______________________

“These enclosed documents were inadvertently received and opened by mistake. These enclosed documents, which appear to be (insert name of document) are not understandable, acknowledgeable, or recognizable under the penalty of False Personation MUST be returned.” 
“The enclosure herein contains the aforementioned and misdirected documents; as there is not enough information or knowledge disclosed to form a responsive answer, said documents are being returned forthwith.”


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

cut along dotted line

This is your “Proof” of “Intent to NOT Retain”

To stay out of court return to sender, (Do not “accept”) (No “acceptance“ = No Contract)




Place documents to be returned in a NEW envelope and enclose the slip above with a description of the documents returned and the certified mail number of return.  Address new envelope with document sender’s address.  Also, use this address as the RETURN ADDRESS.  DO NOT USE YOUR NAME OR ADDRESS ON THIS ENVELOPE.  Do not use any headings or signatures on/in your response.  DO NOT USE A GREEN CARD WITH THIS MAILING.  You will get proof of delivery from the website.


If you have received documents directly from the Court send them back to the Clerk of Court as described above by certified mail (no green card).   You also want to send ANOTHER copy of those same documents back to the Court as a courtesy copy to back up your original return of those documents by certified mail only this mailing is just by first-class mail rather than certified.


If involved in a court case make copies of all items returned to others, such as an attorney, etc along with a copy of that return slip and send as a courtesy to the court clerk to note in the court record of their return to the other parties.  These are to be sent by first-class mail rather than certified.


On the envelope on the left side write “Third Party Affidavit of Mailing” and use Their Address as the Return Also.  Track online to verify delivery. 





The object is to return the presentment in the most neutral non-committal manner possible IMMEDIATELY.  The sooner items are returned the better, but no time limit.


  • Do not rebut the issue or address anything in their documents.

  • You simply want to return the presentments.                                     

  • This is simply a misdirected posting being returned to the sender.

  • They are involved in mail fraud…. By returning you are NOT involved!!

Definitions for Stratagy 1

1. definition- 'Acceptance' = 'Intent to Retain' (per CJS).

2. definition-'Appearance' = 'If One does ANYTHING 'Beneficial' or  'Detrimental', One 'HAS MADE APPEARANCE' as a Party' (per CJS).   If it ain't 'Neutral', you HAVE "MADE APPEARANCE".

3. definition- 'Contract' = Offer, Acceptance (of Offer), consideration. A Contract arises by the 'Acceptance' (by Law), and Offeror can NO LONGER  withdraw the Offer. Both Parties are BOUND & HELD to Specific Performance (by the Acceptance). We teach "Do NOT Accept", thus = No Contract/Agreement exists. "No Contract = No Authority/jurisdiction" (Maxim of Law).

4. definition- 'Controversy' = Contract Dispute or Disagreement.- Requires the Existence of a Contract. (See Const.ART III,sect.2)

5. definition- 'Due Process' = "WRITTEN NOTICE", "proper Service of Process", 'Informed Consent' (Contract). No Contract = No Case/Controversy = No jurisdiction (ART 3 Const.) Government "derives its just powers from the consent of the governed.",(Declaration of Independence 1776 para.


Example of Step on using Forms Above

Fill in Info on "V2 Third Party Affidavit of Mailing   Form" print and cut off the bottom portion

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Fill in the Info on the "3rd Party Envelope Form" Print envelope and attach Certified Sticker

Jordan Felton PLLC-4.png

Scan the 2 documents above with the Letter/Presentment and the envelope that was sent to you 

Jordan Felton PLLC-1.png
Jordan Felton PLLC-6.png

Replace the Letter/Presentment in its original envelope, put it and your "notice" into the new envelope and mail.  

strat v2 header.png

If Already Involved
(Pre-Hearing / Arraignment)



If or when you have failed to accomplish step #1, and already have a pre-trial or other conference, arraignment, or hearing scheduled…(or they TAKE YOU IN).
Whatever they ask you, say


“You have failed to provide me enough information or knowledge to form a responsive answer, to form an intent to consent, accept or refuse, or enter a plea”.

If they ask you “What is your name?” – “You have failed to provide me enough information or knowledge to form a responsive reply, to form an intent to consent, accept or refuse, or enter a plea”. 

If they ask “Where do you live?” – “You have failed to provide me enough information or knowledge to form a responsive answer, to form an intent to consent, accept or refuse, or enter a plea”.

Whatever = same reply (NOTHING ELSE).

To do ANYTHING otherwise is “beneficial to one party and detrimental to another party”, and you are MAKING APPEARANCE, and thereby a party in the case.
(See C.J.S. Vol.6, #18 & #19).


Part of the information they are NOT providing is: the “Agency Promulgated Rules or Regulations” that they are charging you with are merely unenforceable “internal agency” administrative, interpretive, and are NOT “substantive regulations”, properly enabled/passed to have the full force and effect of the LAW, and are therefore unenforceable.



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Of or when you have failed to accomplish Steps #1 and #2, and are actually “in” court, under coercion, threat, duress, force, and against your will or intent:


Enjoy your Miranda Right to Silence, and SAY NOTHING,

other than disclaimers 1 – 6:

1.    “All rights reserved”.
2.    “I do not consent to these proceedings”.
3.    “I do not accept this offer”.
4.    “I do NOT, did NOT, and will NOT intend to accept or consent”.
5.    “I do not recognize you”.
6.    “I DEMAND the prosecution’s commercial indemnity bond be produced “on the record” in the “evidence file”.


They, (the enemy) can NOT comply with this demand (#6 above). However it is your due process right to have the commercial indemnity bond to indemnify you for the damage amount for the “injury” that the prosecution is about to inflict upon your private natural rights, produced on the record and in the evidence file.



For #1: – See state /UCC section 1-207, or 1-304 in some states, paragraph titled “Reservation of Rights”: “Failure to SAY the words suggested = you waive your rights. 


For #2:  – See Corpus Juris Secundum Law Encyclopedia Vol.6, #18 & 19 – “Appearance”- Appearance = if one does anything that is beneficial to one party and detrimental to another party, you have made an “appearance” in the case as a party


For #3:  – See C.J.S. cite above, “Accept”:  Acceptance = Intent to retain, (even in your circular file: trash can). “Presumption” = if they sent it, you got it. The ONLY way to prove it, is to have delivery confirmation/certified (one way, no green return postcard) that it was “returned to sender/presenter”, cc: neutral copy/proof to Court Clerk (evidence).


For #4:  – Evidence = (past, present, and future) of no intent to accept or consent. All acceptance requires full disclosure, “intent” to consent or accept with your authorized domestic signature or non-domestic autograph. 


For #5:  – Live private actual man or woman can NOT recognize or pretend, imaginary, or virtual fiction – and virtual fiction can NOT recognize live natural private man or woman.


For #6:  – See above, #6, first sentence, (the enemy).


Just an Example of someone Knowing the System:



Case on Point

JUDGE: Bail is set at $50,000. (for a previous case)

Judge to Bailiff….Next case….
************************************************************************************ BAILIFF: ---- People vs. “SMITH”. (in upper case letters)

The charges are two counts of operating houses of ill-repute:
3 Counts of armed robbery;
2 Counts of murder in the 1st degree;
5 Counts of indecent exposure while dancing in the rain and 30 Counts of bigamy.


JUDGE: (he sees the strawman's name "SMITH" in his file, and that’s how he is addressing him)
---- State your name. ----

THE ACCUSED Smith:    Your Honor, I will be glad to state my name if you can show me any
presentments with my name on it for me to accept. ----

JUDGE: ---- Accept? ---- What are you talking about? -----
THE ACCUSED Smith:    The court is looking for an ACCEPTOR, as the PRINCIPAL has the
primary obligation to pay or discharge any instrument presented for acceptance. See ACCEPTANCE under 3-410 of the Uniform Commercial Code.

JUDGE: --- Mr. you are accused of some very serious crimes    Now how do you plead?

THE ACCUSED Smith: I will plead guilty to the facts, but not the crimes, but first I need to make sure there is an ACCEPTANCE BOND.

JUDGE: What do you want a bond for?

THE ACCUSED Smith: Whoever filed the complaint is making a CLAIM on me and in the Jurisdiction of Admiralty you can not make a CLAIM unless you BOND your CLAIM.

JUDGE: Well what about that prosecutor?

PROSECUTOR: I'm not sure about that. no, no bond.
THE ACCUSED Smith: What about a BID BOND? Do you have the bid bond?

JUDGE: (pretending not to know) What's that?
THE ACCUSED Smith: --- [Because] A BID BOND is what gets [then] filled out and if the defendant (or accused) does not close, settle, pay or discharge the claim he defaults or dishonors the court. The BID BOND, PERFORMANCE BOND and PAYMENT BOND gets sold to the U.S. District Court where these bonds are bought up by Insurance Companies and then sold on the open market, mainly to the Japanese and Chinese, which becomes the primary [collateral] source of our economy.

JUDGE: Oh,    THAT BID BOND. (acting as if he had inadvertently forgot about that)

PROSECUTOR: Judge this is ridiculous. This man is charged with multiple counts of crimes and the state is asking for the max.

JUDGE: What about sir?

THE ACCUSED Smith:    Your honor, is this a TORT action or a COMMERCIAL CRIME?
If it’s a TORT, then where is the INJURED PARTY or if it’s a COMMERCIAL CRIME, then where is the CONTRACT?
PROSECUTOR: Your honor, this is an outrage!!! This guy is accused of murder.

JUDGE: --- NO…… HE IS NOT! ---- Prosecutor… You have no CLAIM against him. -    It isn't his responsibility to BOND YOUR CLAIM(S). ---- Sir…..You’re free to go...




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