Where to Start With The IRS
Whether you owe taxes or not this process can work for you. The easiest explanation would be if you owe $.50 and you pay your debt with a $20.00 Bill, now they must return your change of $19.50, but in this example let’s say you owe $4,300.00 to the IRS and you pay them with a $304,300.00 “Bill” they now owe you the change or $300,000.00.
If you owe nothing $0.00, you can send in the $300,000.00 into the IRS and they will check if you owe money; if you do, they will take what is owed, if not they will send back a Refund Check for $300,000.00 plus interest. They cannot return your original “Note” because they have already converted it into account credits.
Even if you have NOT filled a 1040 this process will still work for you
Make a "Note" Payable to United States Treasury
On the Memo Line Put:
Form 1040, Tax Year (do 3 years Back), (your Social Security # with Dashes)

Form 1040, Tax Year 2020, 123-45-6789
Send Certified to:
Internal Revenue Service
c/o Ogden, UT 84201-0010
The IRS will Process the "Note" (convert to Credits)
They will post the credits to the account Listed (your Social Security with dashes)
The accountants will check for taxes owed. ( collect taxes and the release the ballance)

Your Refund will be held if:
You need to File a Tax Form
You have a tax form that has not been processed yet.
If no Taxes need to be filed & No Forms need to be processed your "Tax Refund" will be sent to the address they have on file.
Breakdown of the "Note"

I send the whole page to IRS but I do not believe it is necessary

Site Visitor Messages
Message: Hello I was wondering if I need a specific type of printer in order to create the negotiable instrument.
You can use pretty much any printer, I use a Lasor Printer because The IRS says “YOU MUST USE a Printer with Heat resistant ink”
Message: Hello Joel, I hope all is well. The example in "Where to start with the IRS" under "breakdown of the note" does not have the all caps name in the top left hand corner. Is that an error or a change? thanks
The way the Name is written ALL caps or regular makes NO difference. The payable section is not Needed to make this "Note" legitimate; it is there to protect us from those who do not KNOW what this is (police, sheriffs, bankers in our banks) It is saying Done in good Faith (means no intent to fraud, if no intent then no "crime") it is saying payable through the name not through an account ( No account equals no "check" means it is a negotiable instrument) this Note, credit agreements, bills of exchange and checks are defined as legal tender, or money, by the statutes such as 12 USC 1813(I)(1), UCC §1-201(24), §3-104, §8-102(9), §9-102(9), (11), (12) b, (49), (64).
Message: What if I don’t have a bill at all? (Currently paid in full) Could I just send in an instrument and list the ssn and year I want to apply it to without a tax bill?
Yes, you can send it in; Your Note Needs 3 things: Account Number, Form & Tax year. Your account is Your Social Security Number with the dashes. They will file a 1040 on you whether you do it or not (that is why you put "form 1040") as far as Tax year they work within a 3 year period so it is 2023 (2023 - 3 = 2020) so use Tax year 2020. 1st they Process the "Note" (convert to account credits) 2nd they "post" the credits to an account (your social with dashes) and they add a notation to your account for why the Funds are there e.g. (to pay 1040 taxes for year 2020) now the accountants come in they will check for money owed on your 1040 for 2020, (they will subtract what is owed) if nothing owed for 2020 they will check if you owe "money" from other years (if you owe for other years they will subtract what is owed) if not they will look if you have any tax forms that need to be Filled/Processed ( if you do they will hold Refund until filled/processed just in case you will owe money) if Nothing needs to be filed/processed they will assume the bill (you sent this money in for) has already been collected by another IRS agent, and return funds to you as a tax refund.
Message: I have a question about your signature that you use.
I use the signature of a man First-Middle: LAST, but it has paid with any signature, I believe it is the “wet ink” signature of someone with the spark of creation that makes the “money”
Message: One more question Joel, when getting a laser printer would I also need to get MICR toner?
No Need for a "Magnetic Toner", Regular Toner works fine.
Message: Thank you. Are you still using the Memorandum? Or just sending the check?
I send the entire page to IRS and to a Vendor/Corporation 1st send Just the "Note" if the dishonor I then send the entire page giving them another opportunity to act in honor.