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We MUST unlearn to Comprehend

The principal reason you are Pre-Paid is because; Christ's acceptance of the sins in the Garden of Gethsemane and His death on the cross, created the Pre-Payment of all your liabilities both temporal and spiritual because they are inseparable because I wasn't here two thousand years ago but My sins were pre-paid on the condition that I accept the Redeemer.

When a bank extends credit, for a credit card or a mortgage, it’s your credit, not theirs. Banks do not loan their customers' deposits, or their bank reserves. Instead, they record your credit as a bank liability on the private side of the ledger (which is hidden), and as a bank asset on the public side of the ledger (which is visible). Just like the Mafia, the banks have two sets of books.

“Whenever a bank makes a loan, it simultaneously creates a matching deposit in the borrower’s bank account, thereby creating new money.” – Bank of England, Quarterly Bulletin, 2014,

There is only one thing the loan manager in a commercial bank wants from a customer – their signature.

The customer's signature on a “promissory note” is what creates the “credit” by providing “commercial energy”. The bank issues the “loan” in “exchange” for the customer's valuable “promissory note”. The “promissory note” represents the “commercial energy” of a living man or woman, which is an “asset” to the bank, and to the market.

A “promissory note” is an “asset” created by a “man/woman”, and this “asset” can be sold and traded

“What they do when they make  loans is to accept promissory notes in exchange for credits to the borrowers' transaction accounts.”

Your “promissory note” is really a “security purchased by the bank”, which then has an “accounts payable liability” that it pretends is a “loan”. You are the “creditor”. The bank is the “debtor”.

As a “creditor”, you have “issued a security”.




(a)  "negotiable instrument" means an unconditional promise or order to pay a fixed amount of money

(b)  "Instrument" means a negotiable instrument.

§ 1-201. General Definitions

(4) "Bank" means a person engaged in the business of banking and includes a savings bank, savings and loan association, credit union, and trust company.

§ 3-103. Definitions

(6) "Issuer" means a maker or drawer of an issued or unissued instrument

Bill of Exchange:

A written order from A. to B., directing B. to pay C. a certain sum of money therein named. A bill of exchange is an instrument, negotiable in form, by which one, who is called the "drawer" , requests another, called the "drawee", to pay a specified sum of money. A bill of exchange is an order by one person, called the "drawer" or "maker", to another, called the "drawee" or "acceptor" , to pay money to another, (who may be the drawer himself,) called the "payee", or his order, or to the bearer. If the payee, or a bearer, transfers the bill by endorsement, he then becomes the "endorser" . (Black's 1st )

Certified funds:

Certify: This term applies to the vouching of the authenticity of something that is carried out by signing a document. (Our Signature Guarantees the Funds)
Funds: Available monies. Or, money-raising charitable accounts. For a company, it is the cash in hand, bank balances, and accounts receivable.


Remit at Par

12 U.S. Code § 360 - Receiving checks and drafts on deposit at par; charges for collections, exchange, and clearances

Every Federal reserve bank shall receive on deposit at par from depository institutions or from Federal reserve banks checks and other items, including negotiable orders of withdrawal and share drafts and drafts drawn upon any of its depositors, and when remitted by a Federal reserve bank, checks and other items, including negotiable orders of withdrawal and share drafts and drafts drawn by any depositor in any other Federal reserve bank or depository institution upon funds to the credit of said depositor in said reserve bank or depository institution

Negotiable Instruments:

Under the Uniform Negotiable Instruments Act, an instrument, to be negotiable, must be in writing and signed; must contain an unconditional promise or order to pay a certain sum of money on demand, or at a fixed and determinable future time; it must be payable to order or to bearer, and where it is addressed to the drawee, he must be named or otherwise indicated with reasonable certainty; its negotiability is not affected by the fact that it is not dated, or that it bears a seal, or that it does not specify the value given or that any value was given .

(Black's 4th )

18 U.S. Code § 8 - Obligation or other security of the United States defined

The term “obligation or other security of the United States” includes all bonds, certificates of indebtedness, national bank currency, Federal Reserve notes, Federal Reserve bank notes, coupons, United States notes, Treasury notes, gold certificates, silver certificates, fractional notes, certificates of deposit, bills, checks, or drafts for money, drawn by or upon authorized officers of the United States, stamps and other representatives of value, of whatever denomination, issued under any Act of Congress, and canceled United States stamps.

RICO ACT, 18 USC 1951.

All Banks must process lawful United States currency. Failure to do so is "interference with commerce", a felony


It is just a "negotiable Instrument" that looks like a “Regular Check”, It seems to get past the people who open the letters and “scan/enters” the “checks” in the system for deposit.

The Numbers at bottom of the check are in a special Font called
“ E13B MICR”.
I believe the banks MUST process our instruments… it's just the ignorance of the people that stop us from making payments with “instruments”.


The “checking numbers” at the bottom are:


  • 1st the Check/Instrument Number

  • 2nd is the "Routing Number" (this does NOT CASH Through this number; it is NOT a Routing Number DO NOT USE A ROUTING NUMBER)

                                                              Check Routing Number >

  • 3rd is the "Account Number" which is Your Social Security Number without the Dashes.

I combined what I learned from Christopher and from reading “Cracking the Code”, “Redemption Manual” and banking manuals. 

You will need:

  • Photoshop

  • a Lasor printer 

  • VersaCheck Blank Checks

  • The MICR Font 

    this is the Font

The Check Printer is NOT Needed, I am printing Now on a Laser Printer.

Breakdown of the Note

the NOTE.png

Printing of the Note

Updated Note as of 4-7-23

Start With VersaCheck Form 1000 Classic
VersaCheck Form 1000 Clasic.png
Get Your Information into 1 Location
Information Needed.png

PhotoShop (quick guide below)

How to Make the Note Video Below
Printed Note
Jay M SMITH Note.png
Printing Set up.png

Be Careful what you put on Memo Line

Credit Cards = Just Account Number

e.g. ( Account 1234 5678 8901 1234 )

if you put extra they sometimes will claim the "Note" is NonNegotiable

Flow Chart

Option a, b, & c
Flow Chart Make Note.png

Remember No Matter What They Do; You have Paid Them and we MUST Stand  up to them

Crash Course Link (Learn More) about their Game

Option a:  (example)
The Bill/Presentment
& the Top of Note Only

Below are Scans of Presentment,
Note, & Envelope

 Presentment: enter the amount enclosed on the "payment coupon" and detach it from the presentment.

Comenity Sephora 3-27-23-2.png

Note: make Note, Detach from the memorandum, and sign

Comenity Sephora 3-27-23-1.png

Envelope: Address and scan together (presentment, Note, & Envelope)

Comenity Sephora 3-27-23-3.png

They have acted in HONOR many times, every once in a while they reverse my "payment" and I send them another Instrument and they accept it. If they continue i will move on to Option 2

I usually sign in Blue ink with the beneficiary's signature

e.g. Joel-Benjamin: LAST

Option b:  (example)
The Bill/Presentment & the "Note" with Memorandum

Below are Scans of Presentment,
Note, & Envelope

 Presentment: enter the amount enclosed on the "payment coupon" and detach it from the presentment.

PEM AMEX 1-31-23-1.png

Note: make Note, Detach from the memorandum, and sign


Envelope: Address and scan together (presentment, Note, & Envelope)

PEM AMEX 1-31-23-3.png

Back of AMEX presentment: Payments Section

Back of AMEX Bill.png

I started with Option a, but Since I actually read the back of the AMEX Presentment/Bill, I Now Send the entire Note with the Memorandum

I sign in Blue ink with the beneficiary's signature

e.g. Joel-Benjamin: LAST

Option c:  (example)
The Bill/Presentment, the "Note" with Memorandum & a Certificate of Mailing

 Presentment: enter the amount enclosed on the "payment coupon" and detach it from the presentment.

Credit One Bank 3-28-2023-4.png

Note: make Note, Do NOT Detach from the memorandum, and sign

Credit One Bank 3-28-2023-1.png
Certificate of Mailing Credit 1 3-28-2023.png

The Example above is NOT a Very Good ONE, I Never Expected them to Accept the Note the 3rd time.

1st - They were Sent "Choice a" on 12-27-2022

2nd - They were Sent "Choice b" on 2-27-2023

3rd - "b" again for a MUCH larger amount
on 3-27-2023
They were also sent a "Certificate of Mailing" this time with the Note & Presentment, they
(DISHONORED & Closed the Account)


Why am I doing this? 

I am Attempting to Force them to Accept the instrument and Give me back access to MY Credit

Option c:  (Continued)
Moving on to Step 2

Below is their "Offer"
They are asking me to agree with them DISHONORING my "Note" and me agreeing with (me) the "Credit Grantor" Closing my own Account. This is Step 1, then Step 2 will be a "Notice of DISHONOR", Step 3 to Follow ASAP

Credit one Responce 4-8-2023.png

 Level 2 "Choice b"

When/If they Claim that the
"instrument was/is a check" 

I will Resend the "Payment" but this time I will send the Note with the full Memorandum and a Possible cover Letter asking them to Walk in HONOR

Credit One Bank 3-28-2023-1.png

When/If they Claim that the
"Your check" did not clear, eg. a vehicle purchace

This is an example of an "email" I will send

Email to Process US Currency.png

This is just my process, it is ever adapting, I am only sharing what I and a Few others are doing. I will continue to post results as we get them

This I am NO Longer Doing
I will
link the New SOON.
Notice of Interference & 3949a
"Level 3"

The PDF Below will be The "IRS" form I created it is a Fillable PDF Form, add your info on 1st page it will populate on the second page, print the second page only to send to IRS 


Example Below

I gather the Evidence
The Instrument/copy of the instrument the Coupon etc.

IRS Chase Notice 11-8-22-7.png
IRS Chase Notice 11-8-22-5.png

The Letter/Email explaining Their Dishonor

IRS Chase Notice 11-8-22-2.png

Fill out “IRS FORM Interference with Commerce Notice”

IRS Chase Notice 11-8-22-1.png

Write an Instrument to Treasury 

IRS Chase Notice 11-8-22-3.png

Send all to IRS Ogden UT


The idea is for the IRS to hold these businesses accountable and to “cash” the instrument while they are at it. ( Will let you know how this process works, I have sent off 2 so far Discover Card and Chase Bank Card) 

A Notice of Interference
Showing on My IRS Account

What will happen? I do not know yet, but something is happening that is for sure

Interference with Commerce Discover Card.1.png

I am horrible at email but if I can help.... Just Ask

Thanks for submitting!

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