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We are NOT in Kansas anymore.....
or have we been in Kansas the whole time?

Translation: You've always had the right and power to reclaim your sovereignty, you just forgot or were never taught that you or the American people have such power. The Original Bill of Rights says the people have "all power!” Since the people are the true sovereign power, then it is only necessary to wake from the dumbed-down, drugged-like effect the 'Powers-that-Be' have over you and the American people as to that power and position, and then exercise it.

We are all Playing a Game called "Commerce" we are living in a
LARP and it's time to wake up and realize you are in a game. They didn't tell us that we are playing and they didn't tell us the rules.

God created Man, and rules over Man; therefore, Man can never be greater than, and can never rule over, God.


Man created government, an artificial entity, as a service facility/slave; therefore, government can never be greater than, and can never rule over, Man.


Government then created corporations and corporately colored entities (also artificial persons/slaves), for the purpose of ruling over them (collecting revenue}; therefore, a corporation/corporately colored entity can never be greater than, and can never rule over, the government that brought it into existence.


Therefore: a corporation/corporately colored entity can never be greater than/rule over government; can never be greater than/rule over Man; can never be greater than/rule over God.


Are You a US Citizen? you check yes and the constitution no longer applies to you, the Bill of Rights doesn’t protect you, you have reclassified yourself as a Corporation beneath Government.

Corpse; a dead body, especially of a human being rather than an animal.

Oration: An oration is a formal speech given in public.

Craking the Code

“Do not try and bend the spoon—that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth.… there is no spoon."

Don't try and fight in their "System" just realize the ONLY way their system applies to you is if you let it... It is a FICTION.


A Fiction can NOT:

  • Tax You

  • Arrest You

  • Ticket You

  • Sue You

  • Take Your Property

  • Govern You

Unless YOU Let it ​

A Condesed Version Below. Start with it, 

This manual is about a code. As well as being a system or collection of rules and regulations, a code is also defined as “a system used for secrecy of communication, in which arbitrarily chosen words, letters, or symbols are assigned definite meanings.” Laws today are called “codes” (Vehicle Code, Internal Revenue Code, Uniform Code of Military Justice, Penal Code, etc.) because they have been encoded from their original form. For the man on the street, accessing and utilizing these codes generally requires the services of a specially trained “decoder,” called an attorney. A hundred years ago the average man knew the law and was equipped with knowledge for conducting himself and his affairs and avoiding unwanted legal situations, thereby protecting himself, his family, and his property from legal opportunists. This is no longer the case—and law is no longer just “law,” but a cornucopia of “code,” requiring cavernous libraries with miles of shelving just for housing its billions of pages of print (Library of Congress has over three million different law books on file approximately 80 linear shelf-miles of law books).

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