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What we call “medicine” must go in a more positive direction, we don’t need Chemicals and things made from Petro Chemicals, We are given these “medicines” and we act like; somehow, these chemicals are going to cure us. The only things that can cure the body, are things that the body uses, or makes up the body, and here is where homeopathy comes in.


There used to be major hospitals and universities in America that taught and practiced Homeopathy. This up to about 1930 when allopathy took over to implement drug-based medicine. It is now well known that allopathic “drugs” have their foundation in the petrochemical industry. Before this time hundreds of years of remedy creation and treatment were on the table for the benefit of us all. Homeopathy seeks to fix medical issues while allopathy tends to use drugs to treat symptoms. And in this observation our path forward begins to resolve with clarity. “Yes, there are two paths (allo-path or homeo-path) you can go by, but there’s still time to change the road you’re on.” It seems a fool’s errand to seek medical care that does not intend to cure ills, while continuously prescribing a growing list of drugs aimed at symptom suppression. These remedies can quickly change people’s lives. If you apply the correct remedy, your issues get fixed and then the formulas last forever if kept out of heat and light. 

Will these work for Me?

Do these remedies work for everyone, well nothing works for everyone 100% of the time. But what the Reckeweg brothers did, is they took the remedies that worked. Most of the time for most people and put them in a poly formula of quite a few remedies, sometimes four, sometimes three, sometimes six, sometimes ten. Because they knew that they would get results.

Homeopathy works in waves if it is 10 or 20 drops it not going to do anymore, take 10 drops (one full dropper) under your tongue and do not dilute it in water, click your tongue under your pallet hold for a minute finish with water. If you become tired while taking it, this means your body is releasing old toxins & “roadkill” called the Herring Effect [named after Dr. Constantine Herring]. 

Where to Start:

  1. Get your PH right.

    1. CHLOROFRESH gel caps and take two a day.

    2. Turkey Rhubarb helps clean the upper defecation tract.

      1. For people looking to regulate their bowel habits, try 1 capsule before sleep. If that doesn’t work, try taking a capsule in the morning as well. You can slowly increase your dosage until you find the amount that works for you.

  2. Heal one (1) issue at a time

    1. Choose Your Formula/poly-formula

    2. Look at directions take eg, take 2 to 3 times per day

      1. Do NOT mix with water, take one Full dropper under the tongue

    3. Keep the bottle out of heat and light

Dr. Reckeweg



The preparations consist of ingredients derived from vegetable, animal or mineral sources. Decades of practical applications and clinical use of the preparations have established their reputation as being safe, effective, and free of side effects. The range of Dr. Reckeweg products provide a comprehensive spectrum of homeopathic specialties and single remedies, in all dosage formats


These are the Cures 

All can be healed except Mental Retardation and Mongaloidism.

Start With Quick Guide Below 

More Formulas from “F”

R1 Inflammation, fever, infection …. Common Cold, Inflammation and that is for the common cold. 
(R2 & R3 ) Heart Problems …. Magic formula Heart Repair Kit
(R85 & 185) Blood Pressure…. heart blood, viscosity, Kidneys, and Adrenals 
R7 liver and gallbladder…. This is a fantastic magic formula Magic formula
R17 Tumors, warts, and eczema …. This formula can be used at 30c which you’ll have to order and make up on your own, for people who have chronic conditions and at 200c. So, if you want to start out to treat something like for warts and the eczema will work in the lower potencies. In the x’s. Like 5x, 10x, even 30c at some point. And tumors as well, but if you want to stop the problem dead in its tracks, when you have some chronic, chronic major conditions, you go to the higher potencies first 200c or 30c and then you go to the lower potencies.
R18 kidney and bladder …. Magical (Start with for all bladder)
(R58 and R64) combination for bladder …. All of the kidney and bladder conditions. Basically, start out with R18. And then you can go in and you can determine which one of the genitourinary remedies that you would need. You would have to, and this is very, very easy, you can get this on the net, and you might have to mix one or two of them together. So, R58 and R64, a combination would be very, very good.
R25 for the prostate …. Miracle Remedy for swollen enlarged prostate, as the men get older. R25 is a miracle remedy and it’s the only thing that has helped people they say.
(R37 + R39) magic stomach formula …. So, those of you who have all sorts of stomach irritations and also for stomach problems, you can make a nice formula out of R37 and R39, it becomes a magic formula
(R86 R92) Magic Digestion and Stomach…. 
(40 & 72) Magic Diabetes formula + add ( syzygium jambolanum Low X and add to formula) The only thing that you can do to make that even better is you can order Syzygium. S-Y-Z-Y-G-I-U-M, Jambolanum and that is a specific remedy for diabetes. So, if you order that in a low X potency and add that to the magic formula for diabetes, you’ll have a winner there.

Turkey Rhubarb, and a formula called Experience and they’re made of herbs and they will help clean out your colon. So, if your colon is impacted with fecal impaction, which most of your colons are, the herbal formulas will help cleanse that in a natural way. So, if you have fecal impaction in your colon, you’re not going anywhere till that’s cleared out. So, all of the homeopaths, homeopathic remedies really aren’t going to help you there.  
R13 Hemorrhoids also witch hazel on a cotton ball
R82 fungal infections… is absolutely fantastic and this can be taken up to 200 potency, 200c, if there are those of you who want to make and spend money on each of those in 200c and that’s also good for forms of venereal disease that are related to fungus. And R82 is good for black, white fungus, it’s good for candida infections, but for those women who are majorly filled with candida will have to go up to the 200c potencies and create your own remedies on that
R83 Food allergies leaky gut syndrome
R88 blood virus …. is a magic formula in terms of blood virus. So, any of you who want to deactivate the blood virus that you have in your blood and cleanse, R88 is a formula. This is in high potency and this is a miracle formula that I have used over the decades with people who have had chronic fatigue and all sorts of other viral conditions because this basically deactivates all of Epstein-Barr and all of the virus problems in the blood. And then you can go to the blood cleanser afterwards.
R93 immune fortifier, immune system rebuilder…. Now use this in the potencies that he gave. R93 is the best immune fortifier, immune system rebuilder I have ever seen. People have used this formula and their immune systems after one or two bottles were sent back to what they were and the strength of what they were as younger people. So, R93 is another miracle formula that Dr. Reckeweg makes
(R92 + R86) Digestion
R62 Measles and eye infection…. And it’s also good for conjunctivitis. That’s an eye infection
R68 herpes simplex formula and chickenpox formula (Herpes Genital)…. So, keep those two in mind. Those are excellent formulas. The herpes simplex I especially.
R69 herpes zoster …. and over the years, when I’ve treated people with various remedies and don’t ask me which ones specifically, many of my patients have never had any herpes simplex breakouts again. That would be herpes number II or what you know as genital herpes. Herpes number I would be herpes zoster which are the herpetic infections that break out as you know, shingles. 
R30 a universal ointment …. Excellent for could be a universal ointment, could be for pediculosis or scabies an ointment for arthritis, all sorts of physical pains.
R35 Dental Problems… which is a very, very good formula for toothaches, teething and dental problems.
(R33 + R36) Parkinsonism and all sorts of tremors…. an excellent formula which has helped many, many people with Parkinsonism and all sorts of tremors and shakes in whatever form. Whatever or no matter how advanced they were in terms of the disease progressing.
R71 sciatica and prolapsed disc …. More with the disc. Now, for those of you out there with sciatica, if the nerve is being impinged, that is a chiropractor and you’re going to need a very, very good chiropractor on that one, so for those of you who have the sciatic nerve may as you’re getting older, and you have the sciatic nerve and the pain shooting, that has to do with hip and lumbar adjustment. And not all chiropractors are equal. So, you will have to find a very, very, good, good, chiropractor who knows how to adjust you in a very strong way and you find that man or that woman out there. The pain will eventually subside on its own. 
R91 blood oxygenation …. is blood oxygenation and that is also a sports formula. So, R91 also helps with the regeneration of DNA and RNA. 
(R91 + R86) energy formula for anyone…. will make a very, very good energy formula for anyone out there. R91 and R86. And as I am taking a look at this, that will make a good energy formula and a thought formula, and it will also help in a mild way with some aging problems. Where the body has been worn down through age so that will help give you a little bit of an extra kick.
R59 metabolism… will also help with your metabolism and getting you, it will help reset your digestion and basically your appetite. It will also help with cellulite. In there is fucus vesiculosus, and that is from seaweed and I’m doing this all off the top of my head so pardon me as you are all listening. And in seaweed, there is iodine. So, that will help your thyroid and as we are getting older, remember your body starts to slow down, so that’s why your body is not processing like it used to.
R14 insomnia slash nervousness…. for insomnia slash nervousness. And if you really want to make this a super formula, you combine it with the BHI Heal Valeriana and that is for anxiety. Irritability. Nervousness. Depression. It works with bi-polar disorder, histrionic personality disorder which is rampant in this world. Insomnia. Obsessive compulsive disorder and various forms of phobias. Now since I am speaking in a blind manner to many, many thousands, tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of people out there, the R14 slash Valeriana healing formula is a very beautiful formula, it helps sleep at night, mild, mild, unless something is super revving your system, it will help you sleep. You will wake more refreshed. It will do more for your body than you can imagine.

R47 super PMS/menopause 
R54 Alzheimer’s, dementia, Huntington’s disease, memory impairment…. . It will help with Alzheimer’s, dementia, Huntington’s disease, memory impairment, and Wemicke-Korsakoff syndrome and these are as we say in low potencies and they are a starting point and since I cannot and do not take on new patients at this time, these are starting points for us. 
R72 affections of pancreas.… Nutritional and metabolic neuropathy and that is a very nice little remedy as well.
R19- Men… is a nice little formula. for men who are feeling that their get up and go has gone.
R20- women…. are glandular formulas and you can give that and you can do a few dilutions of it. But don’t dilute too often because once you go beyond fifteen dilutions, you’re going to be using the actual potency for the glandular. So, these basically are sarcode remedies. Testes, pituitary, pancreas…
R53 acne vulgaris
Nux Vomica…. as helping addictions in terms of alcohol and it will even help let’s say Plantango. P-L-A-N-T-A-G-O. Plantago. Camilia, and these will help in terms of withdrawal and in terms of getting your body to want you to have less of these things.
R93 immune system fortifying …. is a sarcode remedy, which means it has all of the components of the immune system that he has put into a homeopathic formula, one or 2 bottles and I have known people to take 4 to 6 times a day, it really strengthens your immune system.
DMSO-  it is called a miracle remedy and I agree with that and they call it a carrier because anything you use DMSO with, it will make it much stronger. So, if you’re using it with let’s say rubbing arnica on your leg, here is one of the places DMSO shines. You can rub it on your leg and you rub the arnica and calendula oil in with it and you throw the DMSO in with it and it becomes like a super penetrant. It carries everything deep, deep down into the tissue and the cell and it does it very quickly and it makes whatever you are using it with much stronger. So, they call it a carrier. You don’t want to use it with anything toxic.  
So, make sure that you all wash your hands very, very well and people use it, there are people out there that use it combined with cayenne and tea tree oil and hydrogen peroxide and they make a toothpaste formula out of it. There are dentists out there that are naturopathic dentists and some of them have you take the DMSO and it tastes terrible and you dab it, you know, you put it onto a cotton, you put it on a cotton swab and then you put it on your gum between the tooth, right next to the tooth between the gum and your cheek. And you let it sit there and when the tooth is infected or dead, many times people find out that the pain goes right away in quite a while and then they don’t need to go to the dentist to have the tooth pulled.

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